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Who’s Birthday is it Anyways? Presidents Day Facts, Checked.

As many of us celebrate a 3 day weekend for President’s Day, you may wonder why we celebrate it? When and how did we decide upon this holiday? And who’s actual birthday is it?

Originally established in 1885 to honor George Washington’s birthday, it wasn’t until 1971 and the Uniform Monday Holiday Act that it became a 3 day holiday to celebrate all Presidents’ birthdays and bring more 3 day weekends for America’s hard workers.

The Uniform Monday Holiday Act also included a provision to combine the celebration of Washington’s birthday with that of Abraham Lincoln, which fell on February 12.

Strangely enough though, President’s Day never falls on the actual birthday of any American president. Four chief executives—George Washington, William Henry Harrison, Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan—were born in February, but their birthdays all come either too early or late to coincide with Presidents Day, which is always celebrated on the third Monday of the month.

Whether you celebrate President’s Day weekend with a trip away this cold weather or by buying a mattress, KEE Limousine can get you to your destination while making you feel like you’re a president!

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