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Managing Your Stress During a Business Trip

business travelBusiness travel can be notoriously stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. There are many things you can do both before and during your trip to ensure that your stress is successfully managed and that you remain productive and efficient throughout your journey.

Sign Up for the TSA Prescreening Program
If you’re tired of having to wait in endless lines to get through security, consider signing up for the TSA prescreening program. The TSA prescreening program allows you to move through security with barely any hassle at all; you simply allow the TSA to do a background check on you in advance to ensure that you don’t pose a potential security risk.

Reduce the Amount of Technology You Need
Juggling a laptop, tablet, smartphone and electronic book reader? The more items you need to keep track of, the higher your stress levels will rise. If you’re going on a brief trip, consider consolidating some of your electronic items. Many smartphones today can sufficiently replace at least some of your other devices.

Don’t Abuse the Carry-Ons
Rather than spending time trying to cram your bulky carry-ons into the above head compartments and dragging them through endless terminals, just have them shipped to your hotel in advance. Not only does this mean that you don’t have to waste any effort keeping track of your bags, but it also means that your bags will be more secure; there will be less of a chance they could be potentially lost or stolen. If you do need to bring carry-on bags, don’t store anything too important in it; mistakes can and do happen with lost luggage.

Always Invest in Travel Insurance
Have your company invest in travel insurance. This isn’t just for peace of mind; many types of travel insurance will offer additional services to ensure that you get where you’re going. Travel insurance may be able to help you in the event that a flight is canceled or delayed, which is something that occurs at increasing frequency today.

Treat Yourself to Some Alone Time
One of the major reasons stress can be elevated during business travel is because you’re always “on.” You’re required to meet with executives and discuss complicated issues with them; you are often booked very tightly and don’t have any time for yourself. Schedule an evening of alone time for a nice dinner or even just a movie in the comfort of your hotel room. This will energize you for the work that is still to come.

Don’t Disrupt Your Sleep Schedule
It’s no secret that an erratic sleep schedule is one of the fastest ways to elevate stress. If you’re moving between time zones, it’s often best to remain on your current sleep schedule rather than adjusting your sleep schedule to compensate for the time. This is especially true if you travel quite often. Some black out drapes can make a world of difference when you’re in a different time zone and need to get some sleep.

Always Plan Everything Ahead
If you’re not certain about your travel plans, it can be very easy to get stressed. Don’t leave anything to chance. As an example, plans to rent a car when you arrive at the airport could backfire if they don’t have a vehicle that you feel comfortable driving. Relying on public transportation could be a chore once you realize that public transportation in the city is not as reliable as you thought it would be. Always book every service that you will need well before your trip–this won’t just ensure that your arrangements are made but will also give you peace of mind.

Practice Makes Perfect
If you travel a lot for business, keep notes regarding issues that arise throughout your business travek and endeavor to fix these issues next time. Small things–such as forgetting a plug-in adapter–may be irritating and stressful to deal with when they come up but easily avoidable once you realize that these issues can occur. There are some potential issues that simply never occur to you until you’re actually in an area. Of course, the best way to reduce your business travel stress is to ensure that you don’t need to spend a lot of time waiting to get anywhere. Through the use of a chartered ground transportation service, such as KEE Limousine, you can ensure that you’re always on time and never left waiting.

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