Connecticut Limousine Laws 101
Some people think that by purchasing a luxury automobile and printing up business cards with their home telephone number enables them to transport people. This is far from the truth. Bus, limousine, and taxi companies are required to carry the proper licenses and permits from the state and federal government. In order to maintain these licenses and permits we also need to carry a very extensive and expensive insurance policy. By foregoing the correct licenses and permits, many people also do not carry the required insurance coverage. Some people start supplying transportation without honestly knowing the law; others are out there trying to get around the law. With one accident the law will find them, but without the correct insurance what will happen to you?
Do not put your safety, and your family’s safety, at risk!!
Living in an area close to the state lines, we also see many cars coming into Connecticut to pick up Connecticut residents. These vehicles are NOT licensed to pick up here in Connecticut. Many companies from out of state, either NY or Massachusetts, will tell you they are able to come into Connecticut to service your needs, but they are just trying to sell an illegal service to you. The requirements put forth by the CT DOT, which legal companies in CT must follow, are quite stringent. The laws in other states may not measure up to CT requirements. If out of state companies are found performing services here in CT, they are subject to fines and their vehicles being impounded.
Do not risk being left on the side of the road!!
Connecticut limousine companies are only authorized to carry a maximum of 10 passengers in vans. As of January 1, 2001, the maximum legal capacity for stretch limousines, SUV’s, and specialty vehicles is 9 passengers. If a company tells you they can accommodate more than these maximum numbers set forth by the CT DOT, they are not telling you the truth. To make sure the company is authorized call the CT DOT at 860-594-2865.
Hire a licensed Connecticut limousine operator!!
- Question the companies about their licenses and permits. A legal CT company must have the following authorities:
- An ICC license or US DOT license. These are issued from the federal government. This authorization allows a company to carry passengers across state lines.
- A CT livery permit. These are issued from the state. This authorizes a company to operate an interstate transportation company within the state under their ICC/US DOT authority.
- A CT DOT license. These are issued from the state. This authorizes a company to carry passengers from point A to point B within the state of CT.
- Obtain a current Certificate of Insurance from the company: Must be a minimum of $1.5 million in coverage.
- If you are still unsure about the company, call Connecticut DOT at (860) 594-2865.
The following is a list and explanation of various license plates used by limousine and taxi companies:
I.C.C. MC209069
CT. DOT Permit #2421
US DOT #302213
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